Boyle Statement on Committee Passage of Congressional Budget Office Data Sharing Act

Feb 6, 2024

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, the House Budget Committee passed H.R. 7032, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Data Sharing Act. This legislation to improve CBO's ability to provide timely cost estimates and reports was introduced by Pennsylvania Congressman Brendan F. Boyle, Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee. He was joined by House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington as an original cosponsor.


“For nearly 50 years, CBO has provided critical assistance and information to Congress and the Budget Committee,” said Ranking Member Boyle. “Unfortunately, CBO also often faces delays and roadblocks in receiving the data they need to inform Congressional decision-making. This bipartisan bill will expedite CBO’s work and improve accuracy by ensuring executive branch agencies are responsive to CBO’s requests, and I’m proud to see it pass out of committee today. I want to thank Chairman Arrington again for his support in this effort, and I look forward to working alongside him to pass this commonsense bill into law.”


“As Chairman of the House Budget Committee, I am proud to join my friend and Ranking Member, Brendan Boyle in supporting this commonsense legislation to ensure the Congressional Budget Office has the tools it needs to provide accurate, timely cost accounting to help Congress serve the American people,” said Chairman Arrington.


Watch Ranking Member Boyle’s remarks at today’s markup here:

(Click here for video of remarks as delivered. A transcript is available here.)



CBO works collaboratively with executive agencies to get access to data. CBO obtains data in a variety of ways, ranging from informal discussions and email to formal legal agreements involving third-party hosting companies. When receiving data is delayed, it is usually because executive agency employees want to ensure sensitive data is protected. The bill amends the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (Budget Act) to strengthen and protect CBO's data access authority and related obligations to protect sensitive data sets. This in turn provides CBO with the timely access to information it needs to complete its work for Congress. Ultimately, this will make Congress more efficient and ensures that Members and committees get the information they request from CBO in a timely manner.


A fact sheet on the CBO Data Sharing Act is available here and the text is available here.

