Chairman Yarmuth, House Budget Committee Release Report Outlining 2022 Budget Resolution and Reconciliation: How We Will Build Back Better

Aug 18, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – With the Senate’s introduction and passage of S. Con. Res. 14, the 2022 budget resolution and reconciliation instructions provide Congress with a path forward to deliver President Biden’s and Congressional Democrats’ shared plan to Build Back Better. Today, the House Budget Committee released a report outlining the resolution’s reconciliation instructions to support visionary and transformative investments in the health, well-being, and financial security of America’s workers and families. These critical investments will build on the success of the American Rescue Plan, ensure continued economic growth, and keep America competitive in a global marketplace. Most importantly, it will create millions of good-paying jobs, deliver tax cuts to hardworking Americans, and lower costs for families.

The budget framework sets a target of up to $3.5 trillion in gross investment allocated across the 13 House committees that have jurisdiction over some portion of the plan. The resolution’s reconciliation instructions call for the 13 House committees to submit recommendations consistent with these targets, along with offsets, to the Budget Committee by September 15th.

“The future of American families and our nation’s economy depend on Congress delivering President Biden’s and Congressional Democrats’ shared plan to Build Back Better,” said Chairman Yarmuth. “With critical investments to lower costs for families, spur job creation, expand child care and health care, improve our education system, address our climate crisis, and more, the 2022 budget resolution is a clear declaration of Democrats’ commitment to building a better, stronger, and more prosperous future for all Americans.

“Along with the historic infrastructure investments in the legislative pipeline, the 2022 budget resolution serves as an inflection point for our nation: restoring tax fairness, ending an era of chronic underinvestment, and making the pro-growth investments we need to keep America competitive and expand opportunities for decades to come,” Yarmuth continued. “I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House, our partners in the Senate, and the Biden Administration to complete this crucial work.”

Text of the report is below and a link to the PDF can be found here.
