Chairman Yarmuth Statement on Congressional Passage of 2021 Budget Resolution

Feb 5, 2021

Washington, D.C.— Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed S. Con. Res. 5, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021, which mirrors the budget resolution introduced by House Budget Chairman John YarmuthThe 2021 budget resolution provides an alternative path for President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, giving Congress the option of using a reconciliation measure to deliver critical COVID relief to the American people and address the twin health and economic crises facing the United States.

A statement from Chairman Yarmuth is below:

“With this budget resolution, we took an important step forward in our mission to deliver the President’s rescue plan to a struggling nation in need. As I discussed with President Biden and Congressional leaders in the Oval Office this morning, the enormity of the crises we face make it clear that there is no such thing as going too fast or too bold in our efforts to ensure workers, families, small businesses, and hard-hit communities get the relief they need. 

“Next week committees will begin writing the detailed legislative text for the Biden American Rescue Plan, so that we can finish our work well before lifeline unemployment assistance expires. The Budget Committee looks forward to receiving committees’ legislation by February 16 and then preparing the measure for floor consideration.”

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